Friday, September 29, 2006

Gibson inspired Williams to seek treatment

Mel Gibson’s DUI arrest was a “big wake-up call” for Robin Williams, the funnyman tells “Access Hollywood” in an interview scheduled to air Monday.
“If you’re violating your standards faster than you can lower them, time to go away,” he said.
Williams, 55, announced that he was seeking treatment for alcoholism less than two weeks after Gibson’s high-profile arrest in late July.
“Well, if [rehab] was good enough for him, I’ll go,” Williams said. “I just think it was kind of like, well, he’s in, let’s go now.”
Williams said he had been sober for 20 years when he started drinking again.
His latest film, “Man of the Year,” hits theaters Oct. 13.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

First Britney now Mel

Chevy Chase has been hired by Law & Order to portray a “celebrity who is pulled over for drunk driving while wearing blood-soaked clothes, and whose religious prejudice comes out after his arrest.” Blood-soaked clothes? Apparently the writers at Law & Order confused Mel with OJ.
Law & Order use to be a really great show, now they are turning in to a tabloid hour long drama. Maybe they forgot where to look for story ideas, which is odd considering that most of their stories use to come from important headlines, not the mistakes of celebrities.

Monday, September 25, 2006

He's Right U Know

"What's human sacrifice," he asked, "if not sending guys off to Iraq for no reason?"

In describing its portrait of a civilization in decline, Gibson said, "The precursors to a civilization that's going under are the same, time and time again," drawing parallels between the Mayan civilization on the brink of collapse and America's present situation.

Just so you know: Mel received a standing ovation at a preview for his new movie 'Apocalypto', while in Austin.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mel's getting busy!

Mel was on hand to answer questions in Austin on Saturday, when attendees of a festival of science fiction, horror and fantasy films were treated to a surprise showing of Apocalypto. At the showing in front of 200 audience members at Fantastic Fest, Gibson said he found parallels between the fall of the Mayan empire and current events.
He insisted that the movie needs a "few more trims" before release. He also said that the film still needed polishes in the areas of sound, visual FX, color correction, and scoring. But the general reaction afterwards was pretty darn enthusiastic. Some of the comments overheard were "pretty damn awesome" and "a whole lot better than I expected," Everyone was in agreement that the Act III super-chase was a whole lot of gritty and exciting fun.
click here for the full article.:
December 8th 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

So close, yet so far away!

One of the best kept secrets ever in Lawton. Mega Hollywood actor and director Mel Gibson paid a visit to the city on Thursday to show off his new movie and honor its lead actor, a member of the Comanche Nation. Before the private screening of the film Thursday afternoon at Cameron University, Gibson paid a visit to the Comanche Tribal Complex where he and Youngblood were honored with a special ceremony.
Lawton City Councilman Jeff Patton presented the actor with a proclamation declaring September 21, 2006 as Rudy Youngblood day in Lawton.
It was also Youngblood's birthday.

Robert Downey Jr a true friend

ROBERT DOWNEY JR feels an incredible sense of loyalty to his AIR AMERICA co-star MEL GIBSON after the star helped him win his own battle with substance abuse. Gibson caused outrage when he was arrested for drunk driving in July (06) in Malibu, California and subsequently made racial statements to his arresting officers. He has been condemned by a number of celebrities, but Downey Jr says, "He's an artist and he's imperfect like the rest of us. I don't know if I could ever be there for him as much as he has for me."I've talked to him and seen him. He's doing great, he's a good dude and he's taking care of himself."

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Schaumburg Library Keeps Mel

The Schaumburg Township District Library Board has decided not to remove a poster of Mel Gibson. The board's vote Tuesday was unanimous, said Michael Madden, library director. "The board felt that it would create a complicated situation about how you judge a person," Madden said. "If you begin with Mel Gibson, perhaps then you go to the picture of Jane Fonda."

check out the complete story at:,1,990188.story?coll=chi-news-hed

Because of Mel

Encouraged by the box-office success of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, the 20th Century Fox unit will acquire Christian-themed films for DVD release.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


New website for Apocalypto.


Mel will preview his new movie, Apocalypto in front of a group of American Indians at Cameron University and Riverwind casino. Last minute problems caused him to cancel three screenings this week. No date was given for the new screenings which are by invitation only. My great grandmother was Cherokee, think I could get an invite?

Monday, September 18, 2006

It's True!

Mel's daughter Hannah was married on Saturday at the Holy Family Church in Agoura Hills, Calif., where Mel has built a traditional Catholic church. The ceremony was reportedly performed entirely in Latin.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Max Rockatansky

It felt like a Mad Max day!
I'm okay, really :-)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wedding Bells!

I wasn't sure if I should post this story or not. I try and stay away from stories about Mel's children, because they're not in the spot light. So here's my compromise, no posting of a picture of Hannah Gibson, just informing the reader that it is rumored that she will marry Kenny Wayne Shepard today. If it's true, CONGRATULATIONS!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Change of View

I've notice that the comments posted on celebrity websites have taken a positive turn toward Mel no matter how much some of the sites try and slam him. (TMZ)
I no longer feel that I am alone fighting against the masses with my secret power of fast blogging.

**Gotta love those eyes and that smile**

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

No Photograph of Mel

Mel Gibson was removed from a celebrity exhibition at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Co-founder Don Green told Canada's The Globe and Mail newspaper: "He doesn't represent the goodness of Hollywood."
**the goodness of Hollywood**
Isn't that an Oxymoron? Wonder why Mr. Green didn't remove the photograph of Jude Law? Guess cheating on your wife with the nanny while the kids are in the house is a good representation of the goodness of Hollywood.

Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11

Remember those still fighting.

Remember those that won't come home alive.

Whether your antiwar or pro war clink on the link above, for the harsh reality of war.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


The Bounty

I made this and I like it, I have no other reson to post this wallpaper. :-)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Friday, September 08, 2006

Don't Believe the Hype!

I should of known better than to believe anything that the media reports on celebrities especially Mel Gibson. Below I posted a picture of Mel that was taken by the paparazzi on Thursday September 8 2006. In the related article it said that he was angry with them. When showed the footage on Thursday Mel appeared no different than any of us leaving work. He walked to the car with his assistant and that's all. No yelling, no mumbling, no nothing. Just a guy carring work to his car. (Sorry Mel! I know that the media will put a spin on a story to make it one sided.) I tried to embed the video but no success. If I can get it to work, believe me I will post it.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mel Looks Good!

I usually hate paparazzi pictures, but all I can say is, Mel looks Damn good! (I don't like this website, but they did have the picture)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin

This blog is for the dedicated Mel Gibson fan, but with the death of Steve Irwin, I feel as if a family member has died. From the news sites and blogs that I've been reading, I'm not the only one who feels this way. The link below is the official Steve Irwin condolence message board. Rip Steve Irwin, I hope one day I will live life with as much passion as you did.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


According to, the female officer that Mel allegedly called "sugartits" received $500 worth of flowers from the star along with an note stating that he was sorry for his behavior.
I'm not sure how reliable this website really is. The site recently reported that singer Pink defended Mel, but she later stated that she had been misquoted.
****Personally Mel could call me sugartits anytime he wanted too. I don't even need flowers afterwards.****

Friday, September 01, 2006

Apocalypto on Grey's Anatomy-Season 2 Dvd Uncut

Get behind the scene exclusive footage of Apocalypto on the Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Uncut dvd. The dvd will be released on September 12. Yeah!!!!!