I try really hard to stay away from stories that get me pissed off. Technically I started this blog because I wanted a place to vent about Mels unfair treatment by the media during his DUI arrest in July.
I decided to changed, why contribute to the negativity, write good things about Mel. This story, well it got my blood boiling bright and early on a Sunday morning. Without giving you any links to the unworthy news story, a 29 year old woman is claiming that Mel is her father. She doesn't want his money, she claims, all that she wants is for him to acknowledge her as his daughter.
Just how stupid does she think we are? Not about the money, come on now at least be honest about it. Apparently neither the woman nor her mother thought of looking for Mel until now. It's not like she didn't know where he was, I mean Hell, even I know he doesn't really hide, you just have to know where to look. By the way the woman and her mother both live or lived in Australia. Aparently they didn't think to look for him there.
So this is what I think, Who cares! You're 29 years old with a child of your own, if he hasn't been your daddy all this time don't think if you are his daughter that your coming over for Christmas dinner because I'm pretty sure it won't happen.
He's a good guy, a decent guy, who if your proven to be his daughter will more than likely make sure your don't go without. I don't know if I'm upset at her for bringing this up now or the media. He's human, and I'm sure he's been around the block a few times and enjoyed every minute of it, but that is called living life.
I'm not crazy but this feels like a conspiracy sometimes by the media. It all goes back to The Passion, that's really when most of the negative press began. He's had some negative press over the years but with The Passion it went to another level.
He gets in trouble and six months later some people won't let it go. His movie hits number 1 when everyone said it wouldn't and the next thing you know some 29 year old woman wants her daddy. They keep digging and digging, it's not fair. He has a family, a wife, kids, stories like this are not just hurtful to him, but to them as well. Leave the man alone already. If this woman really believed that Mel Gibson was her father she could of went about it in a different way with no media attention what so ever.
Everything happens for a reason, even the bad things in life. Through our faith we will eventually be able to know what those reason's are.
I am forever a devoted Mel Gibson Fan!
Yeah, it does feel like a conspiracy by the media sometimes. he was the golden boy until he decided to make "the passion of the christ." and suddenly, after that movie is made, he's crazy and an asshole? righhhttt.
this story screams BS to me as well. This all allegedly occurred before Mel was married and before he got famous and the woman is claiming that it was a 1 time meeting. I think she's just a crazy person who told herself that Mel got her pregnant. I feel bad for Mel because the media will undoubtedly pick up this BS story, even though there is zero credibility to it.
I completely agree with you, why wait 29 years, and go public with your claims? This could of been handled out of the public eye.
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