Thursday, November 30, 2006
4 clips from Apocalypto
You didn't do what?

Mel was on Entertainment Tonight and my husband didn't record him. I, I think I'm in shock.
He said; "I pushed the button, it didn't record."
I, I think I'm in shock. How could you not record Mel, it's Mel Gibson.
Okay, okay, I'm going to go do something constructive and try and not think about how he did not record Mel. All you have to do is push the button and make sure the little red light comes on. If the red light is not on it's not recording. Simple, so simple.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I knew better

Well aparently my PMS triggered the stupid region of my brain and I went to the site that I hate the most, and next thing you know, I'm right back in the middle of a blog argument with people I don't know about someone I dont know. (Damn I need a hobby) Anyway all Mel did was commented on Michael Richards.
"I felt like sending Michael Richards a note," Gibson says in an interview in Entertainment Weekly's Dec. 8 issue.
"I feel really badly for the guy. He was obviously in a state of stress. You don't need to be inebriated to be bent out of shape. But my heart went out to the guy."
Okay, I've let off a little steam. Boy, blogs are great. So here is my vow; From this day forward I promise to never, every, go to another celebrity gossip wanna be news site for the rest of my life.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Mel sees his first powwow

Mel attended his first Indian powwow over the weekend, as he watched the Saturday evening Grand Entry inside the special events center of Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, officials of the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians said.
Mel drove to the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Reservation near Indio from his Malibu home on Saturday, arriving about 7 p.m. for a private meeting with members of the tribe. He watched the Grand Entry from a private viewing area with Cabazon Tribal Council Chairman John James.
"It was a real surprise,'' James said. "It was a real thrill for the Indian people to meet and greet him in person. We had to fight our way off the (viewing) stand - they were all taking pictures. The flash photography was incredible."
James said Mel commented on how he'd never seen a grand march before. He was fascinated to learn about the significance of the blessing by smoke - how it cleanses the spirit - and seemed like a real down-to-earth guy, James said. "It was difficult to hold a conversation with all the drumming going on. But he did tell me he'd just finished production of a movie about the Mayan civilization, and invited me to the opening. I thought that was real nice."
Gibson could not be reached to comment.
But one of his publicists, Jhane Myers, said in a written statement that Gibson was impressed with the "first-ever" powwow he attended.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanks Melsmegafans Site

Just a quick thanks to Ana at the Melsmegafans site for posting this picture.
"It's an action-adventure and it's breakneck," he added. "It's a chase movie. It's like...boy, it's like nothing...It has another line running through it that is a big commentary on the human condition...but on the surface of it, it's just pure popcorn." Mel Gibson on Apocalypto.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Primetime Mel
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Mainstream Media and Mel

Is Michael Richards is not "famous" enough to be scolded by the Mainstream Media? Acording to Michael Levine "Richards' remarks likely will continue but won't match the level prompted by Gibson's behavior because Richards is far less famous," theVeteran publicist said. This is wrong on so many levels that I don't know where to begin.Let's start by saying that I like Michael Richards and I am a huge Seinfeld fan, but as a fan of Mel Gibson I feel with the incident involving Michael Richards has moved us two step back and in the wrong direction. Could it be that it's not fame at all but maybe whom the remarks were made about. Does the media feel that one group is more important than another? some food for thought.
For the past two days everytime Michael Richards name is mention so has Mel Gibson name been repeated. Do I hear any of them saying how Mel made his comments while impaired? NO! The media keeps lumping them together, even thought the situations were completely different. I could go on and on about this, but I won't. The bottom line is this;
+ Foreign:
= Worldwide:
People cheer for the underdog, then when you come out on top, everyone starts to ripe you apart, escpecially when you go out on a limb and do it on your own. When you cause Jealousy, Envy and Greed, it's a tale tale sign that your on top in Hollywood.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Mel, My Sister and Me

Two days ago my sister called me and said "Mel Gibson is going to be on 20/20 or something next week, Thursday or Friday, I'm not sure" she said. I immediately bombarded her with questions about the commercial that she seen. "What was he talking about, Apocalypto? Did he look okay, you know happy and healthy? Was he in his office like on the GMA interview? Did he..." It was at this point that she said "Lord Have Mercy Lisa! I have to go" and she hung up the phone.
This happens a lot to me when I start rambling on about Mel. I don't take these things personal, because I know that if your not a fan then you just won't understand. ;-)
I'm not crazy, I just like details!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Braveheart Win for Scottish Scenery

The Mel Gibson movie, Braveheart, about Scottish historical figure, William Wallace, has topped a poll about film scenery.The movie received almost a quarter of the vote, which was run by the LOVEFiLM DVD rental website, with second place (and 15 per cent of the vote, compared to Braveheart’s 24 per cent) going to Much Ado About Nothing.Some 400,000 people use the Love Film site, and 5000 took part in the poll. Third place went to the Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (specifically the King’s Cross rail station scene), with New Zealand’s dramatic vistas helping the Lord of the Rings trilogy into fourth.Said Scottish Screen, which assists film producers in their hunt for film locations: “We are really pleased that Love Film users appreciate the breathtaking scenery that Scotland has to offer. It’s clear from the survey that films shot in Scotland offer some wonderfully iconic scenes, like those from Braveheart, Local Hero and Trainspotting that really linger in the viewers’ memories. That’s why Scotland is second only to London for filming activity in the UK. Great locations are an important part of Scotland’s offering to filmmakers, along with highly skilled, talented and experienced crew base, invaluable advice and support and the longest shooting days in the UK.”
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Is Mel a tortured Catholic?

Washington, Nov 14: Aussie director George Miller thinks that reason why Mel Gibson behaves the way he does, is because he is the ‘classic tortured Catholic’.
Miller, who directed Gibson in his breakthrough role ‘Mad Max’, insists that though the actor/director is a wonderful person, he is wracked with guilt over his Catholic religion – something that only adds to his artistic abilities.
The result, according to the director, makes Gibson into an “incredibly sweet and lovely person with a dark side”.
"On the difficulty that he had with his drinking, I've known him to be an incredibly sweet and lovely person with a dark side," Contactmusic quoted Miller.
Miller recalled the time when he directed Gibson as a 21-year old in ‘Mad Max’, and said that even at that time, he was the epitome of the “classic tortured Catholic”.
“He was a baby out of drama school doing Shakespeare. Like everyone in those days he'd do his drugs and drinking. I've seen him angry at his family, his friends. I've seen him angry at me, I've seen him angry at his church. He's always been devout. Most of all I've seen him angry at himself. He's a classic tortured Catholic,” Miller said.
As a result, the director believes, Gibson’s dilemma is that he happens to be a “good man” who believes that he’s a sinner, and that the paradox is what makes him a great artist.
“He's a good man who thinks he's a bad man. I also think he's one of the sweetest people I've ever met and incredibly kind and generous, so that's the paradox. I think that paradox, to be honest, is what give a lot of these actors charisma. I think charisma needs that tension," the director insisted. (ANI)
(I don't know Mel, but even I think this is true)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Selling 'Apocalypto'

Jhane Myers certainly wasn't expecting a personal phone call from Mel Gibson."He said, 'Hello, Jhane, I know you don't know me. This is Mel Gibson, and I really would like to have you call me back,' " Myers recalled. When she did, the Oklahoma City public relations executive found herself enlisted in Gibson's grass-roots marketing campaign for his new film, "Mel Gibson's Apocalypto," due in theaters Dec. 8.Two years ago, Gibson reached out to Christians with a carefully orchestrated campaign that helped his film "The Passion of the Christ" become one of the most successful movies of all time, grossing $611 million worldwide. With "Apocalypto" — his visually sumptuous retelling of the fall of the Maya civilization — Gibson is hoping to strike box-office gold once again by wooing Latinos and Native Americans such as Myers, hoping they will identify with his tale of an indigenous culture.This latest effort isn't just a return to the playbook for promoting another hyper-violent movie made in an obscure language. It also marks an attempt by Gibson to move past his anti-Semitic outburst after a drunk-driving arrest in Malibu in July. Although Gibson publicly apologized and immediately sought treatment for alcohol abuse, some in Hollywood have said they can't bring themselves to forgive him.Myers, a member of the Comanche nation, put aside any feelings she had on the topic and arranged to screen "Apocalypto" five times over a three-day period in late September for Native Americans and Latinos in Oklahoma City and Lawton, Okla., as well as Austin, Texas. Guests were treated to surprise Q&A sessions with the Academy Award-winning director of "Braveheart" and star of dozens of Hollywood films, and Gibson was able to gauge audience reaction first-hand to an early cut of the film.While Gibson has been toiling in the editing room, putting the final touches on the film, he and Disney have also been aggressively screening the movie before select audiences in the Latino community, including L.A. politicians and businessmen. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has been among those invited to an advance screening, but he has yet to see the film, a Disney spokesman confirmed.Sources say Gibson is taking an unusual risk by showing an unfinished version of the film to audiences that aren't normally used to seeing movies without final tweaking of color, sound, music and the like but noted that Gibson felt it was important to receive their input before the film was complete.As with "Passion," which contained brutal scenes of Christ's torture at the hands of Roman soldiers, there are scenes of bloody violence in "Apocalypto" — in this case, human sacrifices in which heads roll — that are sure to make audiences squirm in their seats.Disney spokesman Dennis Rice said the violence is "no more so than in any R-rated picture. For some, they will be fine with it. For others, it may not be exactly their cup of tea. But there hasn't been one person who has said this isn't a powerful movie and that once again, 'Mel has done it.' "As an Anglo telling a Maya story with a largely non-Anglo cast and crew, Gibson will be under pressure to deliver a film that doesn't insult Maya culture or divert too drastically from historical facts.At the same time, Disney and Gibson's company, Icon Productions, know that the marketing task ahead for them is difficult. After all, the film features a cast of unknowns, depicting a period of Latin American history of which U.S. citizens may have only passing knowledge, and characters speaking in an ancient Mayan dialect with English subtitles.And, of course, threatening to overshadow the film and its marketing effort is Gibson himself.No one yet knows how much impact that headline-grabbing arrest could have on his movie. Some people, particularly those in the Jewish community, can't help recalling the controversy that surrounded "Passion," which some critics said was infused with anti-Semitism. But there are others, including a few who have seen "Apocalypto," who say the film should not suffer just because of the director's personal mistakes.One of those is actor Edward James Olmos, a leading voice in Latino cultural affairs, who said he was invited by Gibson to an early screening. Olmos, who brought along his grown son, Bodie, said he was unprepared for what he saw."I was totally caught off guard," Olmos said in a recent phone interview from the set of "Battlestar Galactica" in Vancouver, Canada. "It's arguably the best movie I've seen in years. I was blown away."Olmos said he was not briefed beforehand by Gibson on the film. "I just kind of sat down and bingo! It wasn't even in a screening room. It was like an office.... The screen drops down from the ceiling. I was sitting at an oval table."Olmos noted that the film tells the story of "first-nation" people — those who were here long before Europeans landed on their shores. Olmos said the story is "just breathtaking."As for Gibson's outburst and arrest, Olmos said that what director Elia Kazan did in the days of the Hollywood blacklist never made him avoid Kazan's brilliant films."Basically, if you watch Elia Kazan's movies, I could surely watch Mel Gibson's movie," Olmos said. "I think more damage was done understanding what Elia Kazan did [during the McCarthy era] than what Mel Gibson did. That's his problem and he has to live with it."When the arrest occurred, some wondered if Disney would abandon "Apocalypto," but the studio decided to stick with Gibson.
**read the entire article here:**,1,4983375.story?page=1&track=crosspromo&coll=la-headlines-entnews
Vatican opening for Nativity film
A film based on the story of Jesus's birth is to hold its world premiere at the Vatican on November 24.
According to Screen Daily, Italian distributors Eagle Pictures said Catholic officials had approved the "faithful retelling of the Scriptures".
The Nativity Story, featuring Whale Rider star Keisha Castle-Hughes as Mary, is to be released in December. It was partly filmed in Matera, Italy, the same location as Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.
The premiere of The Nativity Story will take place at the Vatican's Paul Six Hall, which is used for Sunday masses when they are not held outside in St Peter's Square.
The film retells the famous Biblical story - from the Angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she will give birth to Jesus to the visit of the three wise men.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Apocalypto back in the Oscar race?

Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" is "brilliant," proclaims Variety editor Peter Bart, so does that mean that "Braveheart's" Oscar champ can really make a dazzling comeback to academy glory after his fall from grace on the Pacific Coast highway?
"Apocalypto" started out early this year high on most Oscarologists' forecast lists and Disney was so convinced of its kudos potential that it gave the film an Oscar-friendly release date in early December. Soon after Mel's arrest, however, it fell off everybody's lists except those keeping track of the crafts races.
"The word has seeped out: From Mel Gibson's dark, troubled mind has emerged yet another brilliant exercise in filmmaking, extremely violent, yet compelling," Bart reports. "The inner demons that play havoc with his personal life continue to energize his creative vision."
But Bart also notes a few drawbacks "Apocalypto" has, in addition to the PR ills of its director: "The film itself represents a defiantly maverick voice. Subtitles run throughout. The cast is totally non-professional. The action is virtually nonstop and the confrontations brutal."
That brutality may be as serious an issue as Mel's anti-Semitic outburst since academy members are notoriously squeamish and usually swing back at violent films by excluding them, but not always. Mel surmounted the problem with "Braveheart," which featured three hours of flying severed body parts.
There may even be hope that Jewish academy members could forgive Mel for his tirade. After all, they didn't penalize "A Beautiful Mind" for portraying its real-life subject John Nash as a hero, a man who believed in an international Zionist conspiracy and even insisted that all of the big problems he faced in life could be traced to Jews.
But Mel's views received much more publicity and seem more shocking because he's someone we know well. Heck, he's an academy member! Sure, he apologized in a few public statements, but when it came time for him to sit down with Diane Sawyer, he didn't say the words on TV camera and he didn't ask for forgiveness. Instead, he blamed the booze and swam in lots of self-pity. That may not matter, though. The public perception today is that he did apologize then.
Bottom line: "Apocalypto" doesn't resemble an inspiring heart-tugger like "A Beautiful Mind" and other Oscar champs. Perhaps a good action flick, yes, which can help redeem Mel with filmgoers and prove he's still in the game, but that's not enough. Or is this one of those rare exceptions like the violent "The French Connection"?
(Photo: Disney)
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Who Killed The Electric Car?

Quick info, the dvd will be released on November 14. Here is a link to for any pre- orders. official website
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Can you name the Mel Gibson movie?
One Month

The $50 million film opens next month and uses an entirely indigenous Mexican cast and crew to examine the decline of the Mayan civilization 600 years ago through the story of one village destroyed by another tribe.Filmed in Veracruz, Mexico, the film is in the Mayan Yucatec language and, though Mayan scholars are reserving judgment, it is likely to attract cinemagoers eager to learn more about the ancient people.The Mayan civilization died out hundreds of years ago, but interest in the people and customs continues, with thousands of tourists visiting the cities, pyramids, kingdoms and temples that survive in the forests of Mexico and Central America each year.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Oscar Gold!

When the time comes, we may need this web address, too make sure that Mel and his movie are treated fairly. (Okay I know the words fair and Hollywood don't always go together, but one can hope)
Magnificent Mayan Civilization

Not the official movie poster. Photo's courtesy of Icon Productions.
Tourism at Mayan ruins is surging. More than a thousand years after the Classic Mayans vanished from the magnificent cities they built in the tropical forests of Mexico and Central America, interest in their art, beliefs and traditions has never been higher.
That attention is likely to peak next month when Mel Gibson's $50 million epic "Apocalypto" opens in theaters nationwide. To be released by Disney's Touchstone Pictures on Dec. 8.
Filmed in Veracruz, Mexico, and completely in the Mayan Yucatec language, the movie tells the story of a peaceful village that is violently conquered by another Mayan tribe. Many of the inhabitants are brutally killed and others captured, destined for mass sacrifice. The plot focuses on one villager, Jaguar Paw, who tries to rescue his family.
read the entire article here:
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Mel Gibson Honored

Mel Gibson was honored Thursday by a Latino business association for his "vision and courage" in bringing his latest movie, "Apocalypto," to the big screen later this year.Those in attendance during the Latino Global Business Conference and Digital Expo at the Beverly Hilton Hotel saw about 10 minutes of footage from the film, an action-adventure that tells of the rise and fall of the Maya culture.
Latin Business Assn. Chairman Rick Sarmiento, who has seen a cut of the film, due out Dec. 8, said it made him feel "extremely proud of everything having to do with my culture."Gibson discussed the challenges he faced in choosing to make a movie with relative unknowns. "It's tantamount to being at the Super Bowl and getting your quarterback from the audience," he said.But he praised the Mexican men, women and children who were cast in their roles, and did "phenomenal" work. The actors came from all walks of life — one worked in a juice bar, another was a kindergarten teacher. There did have a few things in common, Gibson said, including remarkable bone structure. "I was just jealous of all their hair lines," he joked. There is a seven-year-old girl who gives a key speech, he noted, "It was kinda scary, she's kinda like this prophetess."The cast, though, helped him achieve his goal: He wanted to avoid any feeling of a typical Hollywood production. At its essence, he said, "it's a film made by Mexicans" about their culture.
29 Versions of the same story

Google Mel Gibson name, click on news, sort by date if you want, either way you will come up with 29 versions of the same story within the first five pages about Mel helping Courtney Love. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of Courtney and Mel for helping her but this over kill. The media seems shocked that Mel is a nice guy. As all of his fans know, Mel helps a lot of people, but unlike some celebrities he does it because he cares and not for the publicity. He helps quietly, and by chance the news might leak out but you never hear it from the man himself. I don't know Mel and more than likely I never will, but I will bet you anything that he would rather see 29 stories on Apocalypto instead of the Courtney Love rehab story.